Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Why Are Moissanites So Cheap ?

Diamonds are the hardest mineral on the planet, with a Moh's hardness rating of 10. (If you're unfamiliar with the scale, check out my blog entry on the Moh's scale and stone durability.) Hardness is a key consideration for an everyday ring that will be worn for many years.

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

What Is The Best Size Moissanite To Buy ?

Engagement rings are significant pieces of jewellery at significant occasions in partnerships. These pieces are available in a variety of styles, and moissanite is a valuable gemstone that is gaining popularity in this market. Most importantly, it is inexpensive and a suitable substitute for diamonds in the jewellery sector. Moissanite engagement rings are excellent in terms of quality, size, clarity, and colour. Because moissanite jewellery is so inexpensive, you won't have to make any sacrifices.

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Which Cut Of Moissanite Sparkles The Most ?

Round moissanite stones have 58 facets that are skillfully and precisely placed to reflect the maximum amount of light. In layman's terms, this means that no light is reflected from the sides or the bottom, only from the top! This means you'll get the best light portrayal possible, as well as more fire and brilliance.